T | tuxquiz (120 questions about Operating Systems) |
S | start page |
F | fork in the execution: kernel_clone(*args) function in Linux |
What is an Operating System?[link]
Four Fundamental OS Concepts[link]
Computer Hardware: An Overview[link]
Modern CPU Architecture 2[link]
10+ Key Memory & Storage Systems[link]
How Linux is Built[link]
Assembly Language & Computer Architecture[link]
Procedures and Stacks[link]
Call Stacks[link]
Stack Detective[link]
Why is the Stack so fast?[link]
Abstractions 1: Threads and Processes[link]
How a Linux System Call Works[link]
Scheduling 1: Concepts and Classic Policies[link]
Scheduling 2: Case Studies, Real Time, and Forward Progress[link]
Scheduling 3: Deadlock[link]
Creating new processes with fork()![link]
Making forked clones more useful with exec()![link]
How Does Linux Boot Process Work?[link]
Linux File System Explained![link]
Latency Numbers Programmer Should Know[link]
General I/O, Storage Devices[link]
General I/O (Con't), Storage Devices, Performance[link]
Filesystems 1: Performance (Con't), Queueing Theory, Filesystem Design[link]
Filesystems 2: Filesystem Design (Con't), Filesystem Case Studies[link]
Filesystems 3: Case Studies (Con't), Buffering, Reliability, and Transactions[link]
Abstractions 2: Files and I/O[link]
Why is the Heap so slow?[link]
Dynamic Memory Allocation using malloc()[link]
Basics of Virtual Memory[link]
Building the MMU[link]
MMU Improvements[link]
Address Translation Walkthrough[link]
Memory 1: Address Translation and Virtual Memory[link]
Memory 2: Virtual Memory (Con't), Caching and TLBs[link]
Memory 3: Caching and TLBs (Con't), Demand Paging[link]
Memory 4: Demand Paging Policies[link]